Search Engine Marketing - Paid Search

Get immediate results with Paid Search Engine Marketing. Google Adwords campaigns deliver increased traffic from search engines to your business.

Google Adwords is not easy

Working with Google Adwords is not easy. Setup and management of Pay-per-Click Search Engine Marketing campaigns can be difficult if you are not familiar with the interface and Google’s auction bidding system. Even more, there are many factors that change like competitors, seasonality, and features in the dashboard. We know PPC better than most agencies because we manage large and medium size ad budgets. Make sure you are getting ROI from your efforts by asking for a free Adwords Audit from us.



TARGETING AUDIENCE – We know that the best PPC campaigns leverage tremendous amounts of data to find the right audiences and deliver the right text ads. We know how to use Google’s Similar Audiences feature with our Identity Resolution products to make sure you are winning more business each week. Our Paid Search Engine Marketing experts know how to bring a big ROI for your business.


LOWER AD COSTS – To be profitable, you need to manage many details on a daily basis. Google AdWords is a pay-per-click model that can spend your ad budget quickly. You need real experts that know what moves to make from one week to the next so you don’t waste money.


INCREASE CONVERSIONS – We monitor and examine your ad campaigns to ensure growth and performance according to your business goals. Let an expert PPC strategist manage all ad copy, bids, geo-targeting and keywords to find the right cost per conversion. Don’t settle for 10% conversion rates. We know how to increase your conversions while decreasing ad costs. Contact us today for a description of our Paid Search Engine Marketing services.

PPC Overview

PPC Campaign Management

We optimize existing Paid Search campaigns or start new campaigns. In both cases, we don’t guess; we bring performance and growth. If you are spending more than $20k per month in paid ad campaigns, use our marketing automation to make sure you make the right decisions every time.

Audience Definition

Define your audience properly and you can achieve high conversion rates. Use our identity resolution and you can increase by 125%. Nothing is more accurate than only targeting the people that are ready to buy.

Keyword Research

There are thousands of keyword variations your customers use to find your product or service. We learn the keywords that matter and show intent to purchase, subscribe or download.

Campaign Reporting

We will connect your Adwords campaigns to your Google Analytics to ensure your clicks are being tracked properly. Additionally, we will make custom reports to show you the path your visitors are taking through the goals.

Ad Copy

We have written text ad copy since 2006 so we know the right tone and message for your business. Our expert team will write several variations so we can A/B test into the best performing campaign.

Landing Page Optimization

Getting the audience to the landing page is one thing…getting the visitor to convert is a whole other issue. Our PPC experts know the best practices for optimizing your landing pages. Couple this with identity resolution and behavior tracking and the outcome becomes clearer much faster.